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The Spiritual Mental Health Diet 2021 Summer Session: SUKHA

A 40-day program for a Lighter, brighter You.
with Christine Burke
2021 Summer Online Session
SUKHA—Summer of JOY 
Detox and Delight. 

“You can’t save the world without joy in your heart.” —C.B.

Wednesdays, July 7, 14, 21, & August 4, 18, 25th
7:00 to 8:30pm

The past 18 months have been spent navigating an endless terrain of adrenal overload, information saturation and the stress of constant divides. But this is also the perfect fertilizer for rebirth and renewal. Pressure can lead to depression or expansion - it's all about alignment. Summer is a time for growth, joy, play and expansion. In this summer session of SMHD we will detox mind and body from stored negativity and toxicity, recommit to the joyful desires of the soul, and discover a much needed connection to SUKHA—the sweetness of life.

In addition to some of the classic staple practices of SMHD there are some delightful new practices to unlock your inner child who knows that life is meant to be fun. Some benefits of this focus are increased vitality, a more loving relationship to your healthier body, living with laughter as medicine, reduced anxiety, greater productivity and creativity, and enthusiasm for life!

We will meet each week from the comfort of your own home. 
*All calls are recorded for replay at your convenience. While your presence is encouraged on the calls it is not mandatory.  

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COST: $325
Early price $300 by June 23rd

Payment through Venmo at christine-burke-7 or via check.

(If you desire this and are not financially able at this time—please reach out.)


This is a time to come together weekly and support, share, grow and mindfully connect. There will be weekly videos with yoga/dance simple healthy movements, meditation, mantra, mudras and more.

This is time for you to commit to connecting to self and the divine, to play in your life and re inspire through joyful celebration this gift of life.

SIGN UP NOW. Reserve your spot and save $25—you will have taken the perfect step to make this summer special.

Email to sign up.

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“I had been wanting to take Christine’s SMHD series for quite some time and Quarantine seemed like the perfect time to start. My SMHD experience exceeded all my expectations and has definitely improved my quality of life. For the first time, I was able to maintain a meditation practice, which has enabled me to calm my mind when I wake up in the middle of the night and get back to sleep quickly. It’s always been hard for me to take care of myself in ways that I deemed indulgences and SMHD has given me permission for the self care that I badly needed. The series also included ways to get in touch with our artistic sides through poetry, dance, and drawing which was such a pleasure and nourishing experience.”

  —Jennifer Y.

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It’s a LIVE it,
Not a DIET.